Motherhood knocking!
From what one hears, it is one of the toughest things a
woman attempts in her life, or is it? Well, only time will tell what it would
feel like to be delivering a baby. From excruciating pains to post natal depression
to mood swings, they say every woman experiences different things and yet on
some level I am sure, the feelings must be alike. Did anyone say sleep
deprivation? But, why worry now for what’s coming in the future.
For now, I have been making aware choices as to what is good
for the new guest and what’s not. As in, saying bye bye to cold drinks and occasional
drinking sessions, watching just about any film I want (too much violence or
too much lust), and eating all that comes my way has already stopped. My mother told me the baby would be feeling
whatever I am feeling and thus, keeping the mood swings aside I must try and be
happy all the time, which is probably the toughest part (even tougher than
having to curb a desire to have sex); because thanks to the hormones gone
haywire, there are times when you just can’t help feeling low no matter how
much you or your hubby try.
But then is it just about the feelings that I am feeling? What
about thoughts? Is it not true that the baby would hang on to even the thoughts
that I am thinking? Because even before the feelings or words come into play,
there are those thoughts that have the ability to show us the highest highs and
lowest lows.
Just the other day, I heard someone telling me to look at
only good things, by that she meant looking at fair complexioned people, and
being with people who looked beautiful. So I got on to thinking, I might be
able to cheat the genetics into designing my baby based upon the things I was
laying my eyes upon (although I highly doubt how that might affect the look of
my baby) but how will I cheat the thoughts that I am already imbibing in the
baby about well, racism by looking at fair complexioned people and drawing my
eyes away from the ones that were anywhere near wheatish, or ebony?
Why do we keep living on the gross level and forget that
there are things that contribute profoundly on our subconscious mind, which
ultimately makes us the person we grow up to be? The thoughts that we are
capable of thinking and passing on to the one residing in the womb can be more
deadly or divine (depending upon what we are thinking) than anything else?
For now I only hope that the one in the making grows up to
be intelligent enough to look beyond what meets the eye.
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